30 March 2007

4 Months Old!

Yes, already!

Addison is four months old today. If you ask me, I'm happy and sad at the same moment thinking of it. It's amazing how time flies by.

We have had an eventful month. I went back to work on the 15th. Addie seems to be doing ok with it, we make the best of the time we have. Her nightime sleep schedule hasn't changed even though her daytime one has and she is getting woken up much earlier than she is used to.

This month she rolled over from her belly to her back. For weeks she strategized on her side, grabbing at her playmat, then finally flipping over. She has become so much more interested in people's faces. She loves to watch you while you talk to her. She also really cracks up laughing, it's the cutest sound!

She tries to pull and worm herself everywhere (as evidence in the picture shows). She need to be strapped into everything! She is always pulling her shoulders up out of her chairs.

The weather is getting nicer here and hopefully we'll be able to spend more time outside. She really enjoys the outdoors.

I'm starting to think she is teething, it's amazing how much this kid drools! Things to look forward to! She also puts everything right into her mouth.

We have another big set of shots at her 4 month check-up on April 6th. Niether of us are looking forward to it :(

I adore this little girl!

1 comment:

Soupy said...

Happy 4 months, Addison! You sure are a beauty!! Love your infectious smile and your bright, cheery eyes and cheeks!