31 May 2007

6 Months Old!

And she wasn't very happy about getting her picture taken last night!

6 months, 6 MONTHS! Good god, it's been a half of a year since I had my angel. Not only that, but she is half way to being 1 year old! Time flies, it really does.
Well, my girl has quite the personality now. She clearly displays her feelings of both like and dislike, and I might mention when she doesn't like something, she shrieks. It's a horrid sound. I hear it often these days. We are working on some sleep issues with Addison. She used to conk out at night during her last feeding, but now that she wants to be more active, we have a harder time getting her to sleep. I have recently started putting her in her crib after I feed her and let her fuss. She goes down right after our bedtime routine at the same time every night, 7 PM. The book I am reading called Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child gives great suggestions for sleep training as you would call it. To my dismay, none of them are magic or easy :) I put her down and let her fuss for 5 minutes, then I go in and comfort her without picking her up. Next I go in at 10 minutes, again no picking her up. Then 20, then 40, you get the idea. Going down the first night she cried for 1.5 hours, the next night is was 45 minutes, then 35 mintutes, and now about 20. Once we get this down for the nightime, we'll work on the naps and the night wakings. For now she goes down at 7 pM and sleeps until 2 AM. Then she is up every 2 hours after that! That is the tough part!
As far as activity Addison still loves her jumper and her playmat. And, of course, things are all so much more interesting now that she can sit up! She loves riding in her stroller. She adores being outside. The sprinkler out front has been known to soothe her. Addison loves running water! She has also graduated to the shopping car seat! That was new and exciting also! She loves to watch her baby Einstein videos and read her books before bed.
It's a good feeling that summer is here and the daylight is longer. I still get sad that by the time I come home I am starting her bed time routine after just a few minutes, but at least I know that it is *my* time with her. Then we binge on the weekends!
We go for our 6 month doctor appointment tomorrow!

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