01 July 2007

7 Months Old!

At least she wasn't crying like she was in last month's picture :)

My baby is getting so big! She just wants to do everything on her own, but she doesn't quite understand that she isn't capable of it yet. She continues to work on the same milestones as last month. Especially crawling! She can now get up on all fours and do the famous almost crawling rock. It must just be something in their muscles that they learn to just do it. Even at night if she rolls on to her belly, she gets up to crawl, but she is still in mid-sleep so she gets frustrated and cries. She learn soon enough, I remember she did the same thing when she learned to roll over. I would lay her in her crib and she would roll, and roll, and roll. Finally she would settle down and sleep. I think this is just another phase we need to pass through.

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