30 November 2007

Happy 1st Birthday, Addison!!

Happy Birthday to you Addison, my sweet girl! I can't believe that it's already been a year since you arrived. Your birth was a day of so many emotions for me, and today they have only deepened. This past year has been amazing, joyous, and eventful! To see life through your eyes is invaluable- a true gift. Everything is richer with you in our lives.
Although, time flies by so quickly, but I have managed to savor so many moments. Your milestones are ones that tug on my heartstrings. I look back fondly on this past year and eagerly to the next. I know we have so much more to share. I look forward to teaching you so many things, and learning from you lessons that you don't even realize you teach.
I'm so proud to be your mom. Our bond and love is nothing I ever could have imagined before.

Click here for a video of Addison's Birthday morning greeting:

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