01 April 2008

I'm 16 Months Old!!

I say it every month, but it doesn't slow time down a bit, I can't believe my baby girl is getting so big! This month marked so many new things. Addison turned 16 months old, it was the 2 year anniversary of my pregnancy announcement, the 2 year anniversary of my eye prosthesis being complete, Addison starting taking walking a bit more seriously, and we continue to work on the new house. March also brings a sadness to our hearts, as it serves as a reminder of the loss of Roger's father, Earl. This year marked 3 years since his passing. We remind Addison of him all of the time through pictures and stories. It breaks my heart to know that they will never meet, but I hold strongly to the thought that he watches over her.
Addison is still taking her time walking, but she is attempting it more often, especially in the evenings when we are all at home. She'll often walk around our living room, sometimes even carrying toys with her. Lately, I have been trying to walk with her and hold her hand more often for encouragement. Her not walking is OK with me though. More carrying=more hugs for mommy!
Addie is also very into coloring. She loves her crayons and coloring books. She will often reach for pens and paper. It's quite cute! For other books, we still enjoy reading each night. She particularly enjoys touch and feel books that have fuzzy animals. When we read before bed she gathers a stack of books and hands them to me one after another. We just joined another book club as our previous subscription ran out. We got tons of new books to Addie's delight on the porch the other day.
To express her delight, Addie clearly says "Wow". When we open packages or check things out in the store, she will repeatedly say "Wow, wow, wow!" with much emphasis on the "ooww" part of it. It's cute!! Roger have also recently taught her "Hi-ya". Think karate. She wrestles with him and back and forth they yell "Hiii-yaahh".
That's all for now, I'm off to round up other projects in preparation for some special family visits in the next couple of weeks!

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