10 May 2008

I'm 17 Months Old!!!!

Little Addison is 17 months old! And again, each month passes faster than the one before. Ms. A is not just walking, but running all over the place! She's getting pretty quick too! She loves being outside running around or looking up in the trees and birds and squirrels. Each day when I pick her up I'm greeted with her arms locked around my legs, she doesn't even wait for me to pick her up! Then we walk out to the car while she points at everything and babbles away. While in the car she peers out the window looking for "Mooo". Moo is now the term for any animal she sees out the window. It all started with the cows next to my mom's and has morphed into any large animal. She squeals with delight and makes any attempt possible to get a better view out the window. It's hysterical! We love our animal lover :) We've been taking lots of evening walks lately. Addison kicks back in her stroller and gazes along while we walk. She has even drifted off a few times in it.
Her eating and sleeping habits are still the same. She scarfs down an impressive amount of food for a girl of her size and sleeps like a dream. I still am so happy I sleep trained her when I did. It was so worth it. I loved the days when we co-slept, but moving her into her crib and teaching her to sleep was the best thing I ever did. I can tell exactly when she is tired, and if we follow our nightly routine, she is out like a light all night long.
Sleeping all night doesn't keep her from being crabby in the morning though. If we wake her up before she rises on her own, forget it-we are in for a challenge for the entire morning. She hates getting dressed and being rushed around. She would much prefer to cuddle with us and watch TV or play with her toys. Most weekends I even leave her in PJs until after her nap if I can.

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