13 July 2008

A Few Pictures from the Picture People

We went to Picture People on Friday afternoon. All was well and Addie was happy and chipper. Then it happened, she saw the backdrop from our photo session being switched around (loud mechanical noises) from that point on she clung to me. I couldn't put her down AT ALL. She would cry and scream. At a last resort I just included myself in the pics as well. The were ok, but we'll go back soon and do some more. The one of just her even has my shoulder cropped out of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen!! Lookit how big Miss Addison is getting. She is sooooo cute and always smiling! What a doll baby. I miss you on MS2 - I'm never there anymore...I'm now a facebook junkie. Come visit sometime. :) You're looking gorgeous as always...looks like you're having a fun summer! Take care! Faye (aka fayedawg)