03 August 2008

I'm 20 Months Old!

My lord, 20 months old? My baby, my girl, I can't believe it. But those moments when I get sad that she isn't a baby anymore, she breaks out something new and entertaining. This girl is a blast!
Addison,as always ,continues her love for nature. We now will move her high chair closest to the backyard window so she can gaze outside. She cracks up watching the squirrels in the trees (on a side note- we have some crazy squirrels). Roger recently brought home a hummingbird and a seed bird feeder. We hung them both in the backyard a couple weeks ago and explained to Addison about the feeders and how the birds would come visit them to eat. Since then we've had tons of finches and a couple of hummingbirds. She (not so quietly) observes them in the trees and will point them out to us.
If she isn't outside, she wants to be. She's mastered the words "Shoes" and "Outside", which sound more like "sheewws" and "ow-sye" in her little language. We actually need to make sure our front door is always locked also. She can pull down easily on the lever. While outside, she loves to run all over. We go on nightly walks with my neighbor and her kids and she gazes up at the trees and yells to the dogs as we walk around. We've found these walks to be relaxing for her :) She is also all about being helpful. We've been working a lot lately in the backyard. She loves to pick up rocks and bring them over to us. We also recently bought her a kid rake and shovel, it was getting difficult for her to manage with the big ones :) She excitedly will throw things in the trash if you ask her. We just have to watch that she doesn't go crazy. I recently found an aray of toys in the trash as well!
Overall she still eats exceptionally well. She insists on always using utensils, and she has gotten pretty good at it. In the morning she generally eats cheerios, yogurt, or a banana (which sounds like "na na na" in Addie-talk. We just need to work a bit more on her table etiquette. Aside from being a compulsive quadruple dipper, she also has a fit at the end of meals if you don't clear her plate right away. When she is done, she's done. And if you don't watch out, the plate and it's contents will end up on the floor (right next to the eager doggies). While we are on that topic, who tested the suction cups on the bottom of kid plates and bowls? THEY SUCK! I've tried them all and none of them are a match for Addie and her arms.
Nighttime continue to be a breeze, unless she isn't feeling well. She still generally sleeps 12 hours straight at night. Before bed we have increased out stories to 3. It seems two wasn't enough and Addie always wanted "maore".
Some other things to note:

  • She's perfected the word "ooww" whenever you attempt to brush her hair.

  • She blatantly will tell you "Na-oo" if she doesn't want something

  • If you are on the coach and she isn't, look out for "up-pa"

  • Shortly to be followed by "da-own"

  • She will repeat when asked "peeze" in our attempts to teach her how to say please when she wants something.

  • "Baa-oon" means Balloon accordingly to Addison

  • She will gleefully exclaim "Ball" when she sees one (side note: I have bought at least 3 of these in Target as a mean to distract a meltdown in public)

  • Everything liquid and drinkable is "wa-wer"

  • Unfortunately everything she wants is "mii-ine" (We are working on using words for everything when she says this)

  • Her dolls are referred to as "be-be"

  • She will tell anyone who listens that the stove, grill, and firepit are "ot" while holding her hand up as if she is motioning stop.

  • We close each day with "nah-nigh"

Happy 20 months my little bug!

1 comment:

Soupy said...

Happy 20 months, beautiful girl! It's hard to believe how big you are getting- but you are one gorgeous chick!!! I love hearing about how fun you are and the many things you do- You and K sound like 2 peas in a pod- I love your pics and hope to someday have fun with you!
Hugs and kisses, sweet baby girl!