21 September 2008

Shopping for toys, toys, toys!

We've already started planning for Addison gifts this year for her birthday and Christmas. We've had luck and great recommendations on products so far that have held her interest all year.

The big thing for her this holiday will be a play kitchen. She's just started playing with dolls and pretend items, so I think this will go a long way. Since we live in a small house, space is an issue. We found this one that is wood (huge plus) and has lots of storage. Plus it's one sided so it will fit nicely against a wall.

I also love the wooden play food by Melissa & Doug. We have a couple of their puzzles and they are awesome! Such good quality!!

We'll also definitely grad the Word Whammer. She has both the fridge farm and the alphabet model. They are a huge hit! And it's awesome to have her in the kitchen with me while I am cooking or cleaning. I figured this we could even use this to fill in the gap in the alphabet letters over the last year.

I think for her birthday Roger and I are planning on getting her a tricycle. They have a few of them at Pinecrest where she goes to daycare, and although she can pedal them, we always see her riding them while pushing with her feet.

Lots of reviews to read and sale ads to shop! I'm excited to get Addie some new toys to play with. She hasn't gotten much since her birthday and Christmas last year, so most of what we have doesn't quite capture her interest anymore.


Soupy said...

ohhh! Love them!! Where did you get the kitchen? Melissa and Doug? Email me and let me know! LOVE IT ( love your precious girl, more though!)

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