10 March 2008

Addison and her pug, Poppy!

Addison loves her dogs. LOVES them! She is always following them around, giving them love, or laughing at their antics. I think it says a lot about a person when they are an animal lover. Addison has an amazing spirit. She is an animal lover to the depths of her heart. When she sees a dog, she instantly wants to pet or hug them. When we see the baby goats on our farm, she laughs while they bounce around. When we walk up to my sister's horses, she squeals with delight. She also loves to watch the birds, chickens, and ducks. She'll point at animals and babble away as if she were telling you a story about them. I love it! Of course anything that makes her happy, makes me happy in turn. But something about seeing her love for animals already warms my soul. Maybe someday she'll rescue animals, or own a farm, or be a vet, maybe even an animal trainer?

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