30 September 2007

I'm 10 Months Old!

LOL! Photo shoots are get more difficult now that we have a fast crawler on our hands. It took two of us and bribery by way of keys and cell phone to get her to stay for just a second to take a picture.

10 months??? We hit double digit months. I can't even grasp how fast time has flown by. I savor every moment with Addie, but still them seem to fly by so quickly!

Addison is doing amazing overall! She crawls everywhere and pulls herself to stand on mostly anything she can get next to. She is such a good sleeper (at home!) and is sleeping through the night, finally!!! She eats really well. Tons of baby food variety, fresh fruits and veggies, and crackers! She loves her carbs :)

Talking wise she does her da-da-da sounds and just started the ma-ma-ma. She is quite the babbler. She is all about getting people's attention. Even when strangers are not looking her way, she'll let a yell out to get their attention. She is quite personable when either her mom or dad is holding her!

Size wise this one is still really petite, only weighing in at 16 pounds!

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