18 September 2007

We are Leaving on Vacation!!

Addison and I are heading out for the East coast tomorrow AM. We are on a non-stop flight from LA to Philadelphia. 5.5 hours on a plane! Wish us luck. This is so much different than the 2.5 hour trip to Seattle when she was 2 months old. She want to be crawling around everywhere. Yikes!
We have some fun times planned with my family in New Jersey and Pennslyvania. Then it's down to Maryland to visit Nana, Aunt Kristen and family. We are flying out especially for my step-brother Larry's wedding.
So, if you have a moment tomorrow, think GOOD BABY ON THE PLANE thoughts!! When we land in PA, we'll be greeted by Grandmom and Aunt Judy! So nice to know help is a plane ride away :)
We'll update with details and pictures when we get back! I'm so excited to see my family and spend time with my girl!!!

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