31 December 2007

I'm 13 Months Old!

13 Months? 13 Months old???!! I can't believe it. I'll just keep measuring her age in months so I don't have to say 'year'. Time flies when you are having fun, and fun with Addison never stops!

Our girl is doing amazing. It is crazy how much someone so young can have such a personality of her own. I have watched it evolve up until now, but to see her be able to express keeps me in awe. When she is angry, she lets you know. Usually by way of throwing herself on the floor (who knew that one years olds did that?!) or by screaming. But when she is happy it is constant squeals, hysterical gut laughs, huge smiles, and tons of hugs. The hugs are awesome!! She even likes to cuddle up in the AM or early evening with us. It melts my heart!
She still sleeps so well. She goes down at 7 PM and sleeps through until 7AM. She knows her bedtime and goes down without a peep. We read our nightly story and listen to a song or two from her CDs then it is off to dreamland! The only time she really wakes is when she is in pain from teething or an ear infection.
She eats so great! She has a huge appetite, most days I can't figure out how she consumes as much food as she does. She also has 12 teeth now to process all of the new foods she samples!
We still are not walking yet, but she cruises around furniture quite quick. She'll move from couch to coffee table, or from couch to someone. Today even she stood by herself for a few seconds before she realized and then fell. I'm sure it will be soon enough for me that she will be walking. I'm in no hurry!!!

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