28 December 2007

Pre-Christmas Pics, I forgot to share..

I don't know how I missed posting these; blame the craziness of the holidays. We had put up our tree a little over a week before Christmas. Needless to say, Addison was intrigued. We did put all shatterproof ornaments up with plastic hooks just in case, but she did a great job of listening to "no-no" when she touched the tree. She mostly would just stare and point at the tree, we would tell her "Tree" or "lights", then 5 seconds later-lather, rinse, repeat. Ahh, the joys of teaching children what words are :)

We got presents in the mail from Nana and Aunt Kristen weeks ago. We quickly put them under the tree once it was decorated. Most of the time she left them alone, but on this day she was playing with the gifts. We got some pictures to capture the moment!

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